How to Stop a Water Tank Leak

Both outdoor storage tanks and water heater are containers that are prone to leaks. However, many factors determine the vulnerability of their materials.

According to our experts, people with both types of containers need this article to fix leaks. When these tanks still have capacities to hold pressure, leaks start from small drops of water.

How to Stop a Water Tank Leak

Most times, the quality of the water tank’s material and installation failure often aggravate the issue of leaks. Let’s share some leak-fixing guides from our experts.

Identify Leak Spots on Water Heaters and Tanks

The first step to fixing water tank leaks is by identifying the problem correctly. Check the tank’s base and other parts for leaks. Usually, containers that are built with sturdy materials often have leakages from their base. When they stay on bare concrete floors, chemical activities degrade their plastic materials after a period.

It’s easy to detect leaks if the surrounding area of your water tank is dry. There will be trails from water pipes, and on the floor. When water heater tanks leak, detecting the spot might be tricky. It’s easier to place paper towels around the tank and monitor them regularly.

Drain the Tank

Ensure to shut the source of water supply into the tank or heater. It helps to conserve water and save utility bills when fixing broken tanks. For leaking water heaters, you need to disconnect the source of power and prevent electrical shocks. Also, water heater tanks have individual shut-off valves attached to the cold inlet pipes. These shut off valves are operated manually.

While gate valves close by turning their wheels in clockwise directions, ball valves are closed when users align their handles at 180 degrees. Water tanks that are attached to your home’s main supply line should have shut-off valves. When there’s an uncontrollable leak, it’s the shut-off valve that checks the risk of a flood and water damages.

Preparing the Broken Surface

After identifying the leaking spots, check for dust or particles of dirt around the exterior part of the tank. You must clean this surface before applying any adhesive substances. Usually, sand particles prevent metal and plastic surfaces from bonding with adhesives. Depending on the type of material, people use coarse-grit sanders to smoothen these broken surfaces. Also, wash the dirty surface with soap and water solution before you fix the tank.

Preheat and Melt Area around the Crack

Measure the size of the crack on your water tank. Then, drill two holes at both ends of the crack to stop a continuous expansion. It’s easier to preheat the soldering iron before placing its tip on the crack of your water tank. Align the tip to melt the portion around the crack. Add some pieces of plastic material on the broken surface if you need to increase its thickness level.

Loss of Water from Loose Drain Valves

Water heaters with loose drain valves can be tightened or replaced. Depending on the condition, you can adjust the valve by turning it in a clockwise direction. When using the pipe wrench, don’t over-tighten the drain valve or exceed its thread’s limit. It would have been better if leaks cause loss of water, but they might cause property damage.

Control the Tank’s Water Pressure

According to the manufacturer’s recommendation, users of water heaters should ensure the right settings for pressure and temperature. Usually, the level is indicated on pressure gauges. When the inbound water pressure should exceed 100 PSI, you must install a pressure reducing valve. Otherwise, such high-pressure levels will cause intermittent leaks and damages to your fixtures.